Monday 4 January 2016

Happy New Year!

Well, first off, Happy New Year to y'all! From the point of view of a 10th grader, I hardly see anything worthwhile in celebrating the new year, in fact, it actually reminded me that I have just about a month left with my friends in school after which the exams begin and everybody goes their own separate ways. It's pretty horrible when you think forward and realize that you aren't going to be seeing the faces of your chums very often.

Even after annoying and making jokes at my expense, I cannot fathom what I would do without these weird faces with whom I've had such messed up talks and fun that an outsider would think that we were born mentally retarded and need psychiatric help. From tolerating my pathetic 'yo momma' jokes and my non-stop drone about football about why every club apart from Chelsea suck to playing FIFA and Call of Duty, at which, I admittedly suck, and to those who've actually had the patience to debate with me and help me see logic, I owe you guys one. Y'all have stood by me through everything, consoling me when I got bad grades, resisting the urge to slap me when I annoy you guys when I'm bored to actually listening to me on the phone when I drone on and speak about things which are scientifically impossible, you guys are friends which I will never find in the future, and no matter what I will never forget y'all and I thank you dudes for all you've done for me.

Looking with foresight into the future and assuming I will live another 50 years, I probably have very little to do with my life. I have maybe a 100 reunions with my friends left, a size able amount of scientific advancement which I will witness and hopefully, I will be alive the day we become an inter-plantery species, I really hope I will not die on this planet and that I will be lucky enough to witness another world. I probably will have 100 hours in the future to look back at the past with nostalgia and hopefully I will be satisfied with what I've achieved in my life.

So well, in my opinion, the new year is not something we should celebrate, instead it is something which we should mourn as we are getting a year older and have a year less to live. But let's not dwell on that, instead we should make the year such that in the next we can look back at the past year with pride and nostalgia and be happy.

For me personally, this could be a year to rejoice if the hyperloop is tested, Chelsea win trophies, SpaceX perfects the vertical liftoff and landing. Although, this has no effect on me directly, it will make me proud of the world and be happy that the future is secure. I will aspire to play a role though, in conquering space and colonising Mars.

But well, according to everybody, the biggest event of this year is my board exams which I will face in a couple of months. Although I don't believe an exam is going to shape my future in any way, I still will have to study to please those who support me.

So, best of luck to everybody this year and may technology's advancement to save mankind continue!

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